Code Context
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$viewFile = '/var/www/htdocs/moteo/portal/src/Template/Element/Front/aside.ctp'
$dataForView = [
'keyword_for_layout' => '',
'title_for_layout' => '木ノ本駅のおすすめED治療クリニック一覧|MOTEO(モテオ)',
'h1_for_layout' => '',
'description_for_layout' => '',
'stations' => object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) {
'items' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'areas' => object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) {
'items' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'prefectureName' => '滋賀県',
'shops' => [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {}
'mapShops' => [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 3 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 4 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 5 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 6 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 7 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 8 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 9 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {}
'pickupShops' => [],
'shopTypes' => [
(int) 0 => '2',
(int) 1 => '1'
'isAddShop' => true,
'addShops' => [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 3 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 4 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 5 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 6 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 7 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 8 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 9 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 10 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 11 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 12 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 13 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 14 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 15 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 16 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 17 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 18 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {}
'searchWheres' => [
'pref' => [
(int) 0 => (int) 25
'area_id' => [
(int) 0 => (int) 589
'station_cd' => [
(int) 0 => '1134001'
'station_g_cd' => [
(int) 0 => '1141508'
'bald_site_id' => [],
'target_age_id' => [],
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(int) 0 => '滋賀県',
(int) 1 => 'JR日光線/宇都宮駅',
(int) 2 => '木ノ本駅'
'structureds' => [
(int) 0 => '[]'
'pankuzus' => [
'pref' => [
'val' => '滋賀県のED治療クリニック',
'url' => '/ed/search/shiga'
'station' => [
'val' => '木ノ本駅のED治療クリニック',
'url' => '/ed/search/shiga/sta_1134001/sta_g_1141508'
'conditions' => [],
'place' => '木ノ本駅',
'prefCodes' => [
(int) 0 => (int) 25
'refere' => ''
$keyword_for_layout = ''
$title_for_layout = '木ノ本駅のおすすめED治療クリニック一覧|MOTEO(モテオ)'
$h1_for_layout = ''
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$stations = object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) {
'items' => [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {}
$areas = object(Cake\ORM\ResultSet) {
'items' => [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 3 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 4 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 5 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 6 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 7 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 8 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 9 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 10 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 11 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {},
(int) 12 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {}
$prefectureName = '滋賀県'
$shops = [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1185,
'name' => '長浜市立湖北病院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '木之本町黒田1221番地',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '大正4年から続く、歴史のある市立病院です!',
'description_content' => '長浜の北部で、総合病院として高度な医療を提供しており、救急医療や、胃癌・大腸・膀胱癌などの内視鏡手術、泌尿器の腹腔鏡手術などの急性期医療を行っています。また、北部で唯一の透析センターとして、透析患者さんを受け入れています。また、福祉や介護にも力を入れていて、病院併設型老人保健施設、特別養護老人ホーム、ケアハウスなども開設しています。泌尿器科は午前中のみの診察になります。EDについては服薬治療を行っていて、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。こちらでは診療費や健診費用などに長浜市のプレミアム商品券も利用できるそうですよ!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => null,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-82-3315',
'latitude' => '35.5049203',
'longitude' => '136.2123687',
'quote_image_url' => null,
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.30000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
$mapShops = [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1151,
'name' => '医療法人 小西醫院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 592,
'address' => '洲本町1256-6',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '祝日以外は毎日開いています!',
'description_content' => '小西醫院は、祝日以外は土日も開いています!基本的には毎日開いている上、月・水・金曜日は20時まで開いているので、仕事の後でも通う事ができるのは嬉しいですね!こちらでは、脳神経外科、神経内科、リハビリテーション科、内科、外科を診察しており、整体や物理療法、MRI検査、骨粗しょう症検査も行っています。訪問診療や介護などにも力を入れていて、介護ではデイケア、短時間(90分)デイケア、ショートステイなど、時間・ニーズに合わせてコースを選ぶこともできます。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '1',
'star' => '3.50000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1156,
'name' => '片岡クリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 593,
'address' => '安養寺8-1-33 ナカザワメディカルビル2F',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '階段昇降機やバリアフリーに配慮したクリニックです!',
'description_content' => '1階のエントランスを入ってすぐに階段があり、階段昇降機が目につきます。クリニックが2階のため、車いすの方でも通える様にと設置してくれています。待合室にもキッズスペースがあったり、クリニック内が全てバリアフリーであったり、どんな方でも通いやすい様に配慮してくれています。片岡クリニックは、皮膚科・泌尿器科・アレルギー科を診察しており、一般的な疾患はもちろん、自費診療になるAGAやEDといった男性特有の疾患にも対応しています。ED治療については、問診を中心とする診察を行い、まずは治療薬の内服療法を行います。治療薬はレビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの3種類を扱っていますが、今はレビトラの新規処方は中止しているそうです。カウンセリングは行っていません。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '1',
'star' => '3.50000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1154,
'name' => '任医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 593,
'address' => '川辺615',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => 'Quality of Lifeを大切にしてくれます!',
'description_content' => '任医院では、内科・消化器科・小児科・麻酔科(ペインクリニック)を診察しており、生活習慣病、腰痛・関節痛などをはじめ、あらゆる健康についての悩みに相談にのってくれます。治療をしていく上で、患者さんのQuality of Life(生活の質)をできるだけ損なわない医療を大切にし、我慢や苦しい事は最低限で済むように考えてくれます。また、ED治療やAGA治療など、男性の悩みに寄り添った治療も行っています。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。こちらには薬剤師さんがいるので、院内処方して貰えます。デリケートな疾患だからこそ、院内処方して貰えるのは嬉しいですね!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '1',
'star' => '3.50000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 3 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1176,
'name' => '医療法人社団 布留クリニックフル外科胃腸科',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 594,
'address' => '甲南町寺庄1098',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '',
'description_content' => '',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '1',
'star' => '3.50000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 4 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1175,
'name' => '山口医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 598,
'address' => '垣見町682',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '',
'description_content' => '',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.20000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 5 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1180,
'name' => '医療法人 下坂クリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 589,
'address' => '下坂中町177-6',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '院内処方して貰えるのが嬉しい!',
'description_content' => '下坂クリニックは、内科・小児科・糖尿病腎臓内科・透析センターのクリニックで、4人の医師の3診体制で診察をしてくれます。診療も行っていますが、介護にも力を入れていて、100名の方が入所できる介護老人保健施設や介護支援事業所ケアマネジメントセンター琵琶を開設して医療と福祉を提供しています。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。お薬は院内処方してくれるそうです。デリケートな疾患だからこそ、院内処方は嬉しいですね!泌尿器科は、平成29年3月から泌尿器科専門の医師による診察は行っていないそうです。ED治療は行っているはずですが、先に問い合わせてから行く事をオススメします。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.20000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 6 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1186,
'name' => 'つじ泌尿器科クリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 588,
'address' => '西今町赤池1131-23',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '泌尿器科、内科を中心とした地域の診療所です!',
'description_content' => 'つじ泌尿器科クリニックは、泌尿器科・内科・皮膚科を診療しており、健康の悩みに対してどんな事でも相談にのってくれます。一般的な疾患の診療の他に、予防接種、訪問診療、ED治療も行っています。EDの治療は服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの4種類の治療薬を扱っています。またこちらでは、ホームページから問診票を印刷する事ができます。言いにくい事を事前に問診票に記入して持って行く事ができるので、効率良く診察を受ける事ができます。アクセスは、近江バスの松田団地または老人ホーム前停留所から徒歩3分の場所にあります。バス停が近いので、お車でない方も安心して通う事ができます。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.10000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 7 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1155,
'name' => '尾松医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 591,
'address' => '野村6-1-18 コンフォ-レT2',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => 'ホームページにわかりやすい地図が載っています!',
'description_content' => '尾松医院は、皮膚科・泌尿器科・アレルギー科を診察しており、健康診断やプラセンタ注射、ケミカルピーリング、ビタミンCイオン導入なども行っています。ED治療も行っており、服薬治療も行っています。治療薬は、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類を扱っています。診察をした上で、健康状態や生活パターンなどを考慮して、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。医院内はバリアフリーで、介助が必要な方はお手伝いもして貰えます。ホームページに地図がとても詳しく載っており(広域と詳細の2種類)、それを見れば迷う事なく行く事ができますよ!悩んでいる方は、ぜひ1度訪れてみて下さい。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '1',
'star' => '3.00000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 8 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1191,
'name' => 'なかつか内科医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 588,
'address' => '川瀬馬場町1082番地5 彦根クリニックモ-ル内科棟',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '土日、平日も夜遅くまで開いています!',
'description_content' => 'なかつか内科医院は、土曜日の夜も日曜日の午前中も開いています!平日も夜8時と遅くまで開いているので、どんな方でも通いやすいクリニックです!こちらでは内科・循環器内科・呼吸器内科を診察しており、その他も禁煙外来、睡眠時無呼吸症候群、AGA治療、ED治療、アンチエイジング&美容など、様々な治療を行っています。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ(50mg,1390円/錠)、レビトラ(10mg,1100円/錠)、シアリス(20mg,1520円/錠)、バイアグラジェネリックのシルデナフィル(50mg,890円/錠)の4種類の治療薬を扱っています。混み具合をTwitterでお知らせしてくれるサービスも嬉しいですね!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.00000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 9 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1157,
'name' => '医療法人比良寿会 こうなみクリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => (int) 587,
'address' => '比叡辻2-7-10',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '琵琶湖のすぐ近くの泌尿器科専門医院です!',
'description_content' => '琵琶湖のすぐ近くにあるこうなみクリニックは、泌尿器科・皮膚科・外科を診察しており、特に前立腺に関する診療に力を入れています。痛みや苦痛を伴わない検査である、血液検査(PSA)・尿流動態検査・超音波検査を実施し、検査結果次第で治療方針を決めます。また、今はあまり知られていない男性更年期障害の治療も行っています。男性更年期障害は男性ホルモンの減少により起こる疾患で、その症状の1つに勃起障害があります。EDの治療は服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの4種類の治療薬を扱っています。患者の話をしっかり聞いて個人個人の事情に合わせた治療を行ってくれるので、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.00000',
'shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Station' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
$pickupShops = []
$shopTypes = [
(int) 0 => '2',
(int) 1 => '1'
$isAddShop = true
$addShops = [
(int) 0 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1170,
'name' => '医療法人緑泉会 小泉医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '今堅田2-26-15',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => 'バイアグラジェネリックは院内処方してくれます!',
'description_content' => '小泉医院は、内科・消化器科を診察しており、内視鏡検査(上部消化管、下部消化管)や腹部超音波検査、動脈硬化検査などの色々な検査を受けることができます。保険外診療は、健康診断や予防接種、AGA治療、ED治療を行っています。こちらでは、EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの4種類の治療薬を扱っています。初診料は2,160円かかり、基本的には患者さんが望む期間は治療をしてくれます。バイアグラジェネリックについては院内処方してくれます。それ以外の薬は院外処方になるので、処方料が1,080円かかります。また、こちらでは漢方薬も処方しているので、希望する方は相談して下さい。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-571-0575',
'latitude' => '35.1222318',
'longitude' => '135.9211733',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.00000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 1 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1180,
'name' => '医療法人 下坂クリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '下坂中町177-6',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '院内処方して貰えるのが嬉しい!',
'description_content' => '下坂クリニックは、内科・小児科・糖尿病腎臓内科・透析センターのクリニックで、4人の医師の3診体制で診察をしてくれます。診療も行っていますが、介護にも力を入れていて、100名の方が入所できる介護老人保健施設や介護支援事業所ケアマネジメントセンター琵琶を開設して医療と福祉を提供しています。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。お薬は院内処方してくれるそうです。デリケートな疾患だからこそ、院内処方は嬉しいですね!泌尿器科は、平成29年3月から泌尿器科専門の医師による診察は行っていないそうです。ED治療は行っているはずですが、先に問い合わせてから行く事をオススメします。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-62-0079',
'latitude' => '35.3657793',
'longitude' => '136.2852273',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '2',
'star' => '3.25000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 2 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1190,
'name' => '医療法人 岩本整形外科',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '大戌亥町738-4',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '全国でも数少ないペインクリニックです!',
'description_content' => '岩本整形外科は、患者にとっ1番つらい、痛み(ペインPain)を少しでも和らげるための治療を行うクリニックです。痛みは客観的に度合いをはかる事ができず、本人にしかわかりません。しっかりと話を聞いて、その痛みに合わせた治療をする必要があるので、どんな些細な事でも相談して下さい。またこちらでは自費診療のお薬も扱っています。ED治療薬は、バイアグラらレビトラ、シアリスの3種類の薬を扱っています。事前に問い合わせをするとスムーズなので、連絡をしてから行く事をオススメします。電車の駅からは少し遠いですが、JR北陸本線 長浜駅より近江鉄道バスに乗り、「戍亥口」で下車すると目の前にあります!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-64-1866',
'latitude' => '35.3680185',
'longitude' => '136.2810918',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.20000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 3 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1161,
'name' => '医療法人 ふじもと医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '霊仙寺1-2-19 ESPO栗東204',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '1度ホームページを見てみて下さい!',
'description_content' => 'ふじもと医院は、皮膚科・泌尿器科・内科・アレルギー科を診察しており、EDやAGAなど男性特有の疾患についても治療しています。そして、ホームページにとても詳しくEDの説明を載せてくれています。中でも年代ごとの特徴が載っていて、とても参考になります。EDについて悩んでいる夫婦は多く、不妊の原因の内、男性不妊の20%がEDであると言われています。IIEF-5(国際勃起機能スコア)という簡単な問診票が使い、EDの程度を調べます。そして、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を用いて服薬治療を行います。プライベートを厳守してくれ、院内処方もしてくれます。デリケートな疾患だからこそ、院内処方は嬉しいですね!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-554-2528',
'latitude' => '35.0374921',
'longitude' => '135.9733479',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '2',
'star' => '3.50000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 4 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1152,
'name' => 'あん医院(皮膚科・泌尿器科)',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '水口町虫生野中央119-1',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '信楽高原鐵道 貴生川駅から徒歩4分!',
'description_content' => 'あん医院(皮膚科・泌尿器科)は、信楽高原鐵道 貴生川駅から徒歩4分という好立地にあります!駐車場も8台完備しているので、電車の方もお車の方も通いやすい医院です。とてもきれいな建物で、ベビーカーや車いすでも通れる様な広いスロープもあります。こちらでは皮膚科・泌尿器科を診察しており、小さな子供から大人まであらゆる方の相談にのってくれます。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。とても気さくで親身になってしっかりと説明をしてくれると評判の先生に、1度相談してみてはいかがでしょうか。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0748-65-6884',
'latitude' => '34.9521959',
'longitude' => '136.1569142',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.50000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 5 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1151,
'name' => '医療法人 小西醫院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '洲本町1256-6',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '祝日以外は毎日開いています!',
'description_content' => '小西醫院は、祝日以外は土日も開いています!基本的には毎日開いている上、月・水・金曜日は20時まで開いているので、仕事の後でも通う事ができるのは嬉しいですね!こちらでは、脳神経外科、神経内科、リハビリテーション科、内科、外科を診察しており、整体や物理療法、MRI検査、骨粗しょう症検査も行っています。訪問診療や介護などにも力を入れていて、介護ではデイケア、短時間(90分)デイケア、ショートステイなど、時間・ニーズに合わせてコースを選ぶこともできます。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-584-2666',
'latitude' => '35.0886781',
'longitude' => '135.9712288',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '0',
'star' => null,
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 6 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1183,
'name' => '市立長浜病院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '大戌亥町313',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '「人中心の医療」を発展させている総合病院です!',
'description_content' => '市立長浜病院は、総合病院として「人中心の医療」を発展させ、最新の医療機器を用いた高度な医療を提供しています。EDの治療は泌尿器科で行っています。基本的に服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。産婦人科では不妊治療も行っています。EDで悩んでいて、妊娠を希望されている方は、合わせて相談してみてはいかがでしょうか。緊急でない場合は、初診予約は一ヶ月先まで電話で予約する事ができます。こちらにかかるには他の医療機関からの紹介状が必要で、紹介状がなければ、初診時・再診時に選定療養費がかかることになります。選定療養費は初診が5,000円、再診が2,500円になります(税別)。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-68-2300',
'latitude' => '35.3694861',
'longitude' => '136.2864628',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '6',
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 7 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1187,
'name' => '医療法人 友仁会 友仁山崎病院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '竹ケ鼻町80番地',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '泌尿器科は月・火・金曜日の午前中です!',
'description_content' => '医療法人 友仁会 友仁山崎病院は、あらゆる分野において高度な医療の提供とともに、患者さんが安全で安心できる様なサービスを心掛けています。こちらの病院は予防にも力を入れていて、5階に検診・人間ドッグ専用センターを設けて、基本的なコースからユニークなアンチエイジングドッグまで、様々な人間ドッグを実施しています。泌尿器科は月・火・金曜日の午前中のみの診察になります。EDについては服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。こちらには糖尿病外来もあります。糖尿病患者の約半数以上がEDであると言われている様に、糖尿病とEDには深い関係があります。原因によってフォローして貰えるので、とても心強いですね!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
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'quote_image_url' => '',
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'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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(int) 8 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1184,
'name' => '医療法人青葉会 神野レディスクリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '中央町3-73',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '',
'description_content' => '',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
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'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-22-6216',
'latitude' => '35.2699874',
'longitude' => '136.2553551',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '1.70000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 9 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1172,
'name' => '医療法人大美会 大西皮フ科形成外科医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '粟津町4-7 JR石山駅前近江鉄道ビル3F',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => 'オンライン診療ができる医院です!',
'description_content' => '大西皮フ科形成外科医院では、お肌の悩みから美容、ダイエット、男性女性特有の悩みなど、幅広い悩みに寄り添った治療を提供してくれます。そしてこちらの医院では何と、オンライン診療が可能です!忙しい方は特に、自宅で診察を受けられるなんて嬉しいですね!診察時間は約10分間で、予約料550円、診察料2,200円がかかります。通院と合わせて利用する事ができるので、初めに受診した時に相談してみて下さい!EDについては初診料3,000円、再診料は無料です。バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの4種類の治療薬を扱っていて、10錠以上を購入する場合は消費税が無料になります。悩んでいる方は、まずは電話かメールで相談してみて下さい!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-531-2101',
'latitude' => '34.979578',
'longitude' => '135.90122',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.40000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 10 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1153,
'name' => '医療法人 祐森クリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '和邇中浜460-1',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '西洋医療と東洋医療の良い所取り!',
'description_content' => 'JR湖西線 和邇駅を下りて山の方へ歩くとすぐに、祐森クリニックが見えてきます。祐森クリニックは、西洋医療と東洋医療の良い所を採用して治療するクリニックで、院長が内科・消化器内科・アレルギー科を、奥様の副院長が眼科を診察しています。その他、東洋医学(鍼灸・漢方療法)、アンチエイジング治療、禁煙外来、ED治療、AGA治療なども行っています。ED治療では、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を処方しています。EDの原因は色々ありますが、高血圧症の方の4人に1人が、糖尿病の方のほぼ半分の方がEDに悩んでいるという報告もあるそうです。EDは特別な病気ではありません。まずは相談をしてみて下さい!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
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'tel' => '077-594-5611',
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'longitude' => '135.9219045',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
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'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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(int) 11 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1165,
'name' => '医療法人社団 山田内科',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '坂本7-6-11',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '',
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'tel' => '077-578-5880',
'latitude' => '35.0754076',
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'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '0',
'star' => null,
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 12 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1168,
'name' => 'かがい医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '箕浦372',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '待ち時間が気にならない工夫が嬉しい!',
'description_content' => 'かがい医院は、内科・小児科・放射線科・リハビリテーション科を診察しており、一般診療とMRI・CT機器などの検査、脳ドッグ健診も行っています。建物もきれいで広々としていて、待合室にも畳スペースが設置されています。テレビや、子供のオモチャと絵本も置いてあるので、待ち時間が気にならない様な工夫がうれしいです。ED治療については服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。しっかりと診察をした上で、健康状態や生活パターンなどを考慮して、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。すぐ近くにドラッグストアが2軒あるので、とても便利です。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
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'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '0749-52-9333',
'latitude' => '35.3360197',
'longitude' => '136.2938083',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.30000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 13 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1150,
'name' => '医療法人尚友会 速水医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '水口町北泉1丁目128',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '木曜日の夕方も開いています!',
'description_content' => '速水医院では、内科・外科・脳神経外科・リハビリテーション科を診察しており、睡眠時無呼吸症候群やうつ病などの精神疾患、もの忘れ専門外来なども診察しています。ED治療も行っており、服薬治療を行っています。治療薬は、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類を扱っています。しっかりと診察をした上で、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。木曜日の午後は開いていない病院も多いので、16時半~19時半に開いてるのは嬉しいですね!待合室に畳のスペースがあるので、お子様や足を伸ばしたい方もゆったり過ごす事ができます。悩んでいる方は、1度相談してみて下さい!',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
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'tel' => '0748-65-3211',
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'longitude' => '136.1436559',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
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'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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(int) 14 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1182,
'name' => '医療法人 橋場レディスクリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '南高田町5-8',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '',
'description_content' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
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'tel' => '0749-63-5555',
'latitude' => '35.3778728',
'longitude' => '136.2728399',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '3.50000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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(int) 15 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1176,
'name' => '医療法人社団 布留クリニックフル外科胃腸科',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '甲南町寺庄1098',
'shop_type' => null,
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'description_subject' => '',
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'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
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'tel' => '0748-86-3135',
'latitude' => '34.9178217',
'longitude' => '136.1808851',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.50000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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[maximum depth reached]
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'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 16 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1160,
'name' => '医療法人湖青会 青木医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '和邇高城260-1',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '介護サービスにも力を入れています!',
'description_content' => '青木医院は、JR湖西線 和邇駅から徒歩4分という好立地にあり、駐車場も完備しています。電車の方もお車の方も、安心して通う事ができます!医療法人湖青会は、介護にとても力を入れていて、平成5年に青木医院を開業以来、ケアセンター、訪問看護ステーション、居宅介護支援センター、グループホーム、デイサービスセンター、小規模多機能型居宅サービスなどを次々に開設しています。こちらでは、外科・内科・皮膚科・小児科・肛門科・麻酔科・放射線科・リハビリテーション科と幅広く診察しており、ED治療も行っています。服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類の治療薬を扱っています。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-594-4018',
'latitude' => '35.1622978',
'longitude' => '135.9194925',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '0',
'star' => null,
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 17 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1157,
'name' => '医療法人比良寿会 こうなみクリニック',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '比叡辻2-7-10',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => '琵琶湖のすぐ近くの泌尿器科専門医院です!',
'description_content' => '琵琶湖のすぐ近くにあるこうなみクリニックは、泌尿器科・皮膚科・外科を診察しており、特に前立腺に関する診療に力を入れています。痛みや苦痛を伴わない検査である、血液検査(PSA)・尿流動態検査・超音波検査を実施し、検査結果次第で治療方針を決めます。また、今はあまり知られていない男性更年期障害の治療も行っています。男性更年期障害は男性ホルモンの減少により起こる疾患で、その症状の1つに勃起障害があります。EDの治療は服薬治療を行っており、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリス、バイアグラジェネリックの4種類の治療薬を扱っています。患者の話をしっかり聞いて個人個人の事情に合わせた治療を行ってくれるので、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-579-8211',
'latitude' => '35.0722813',
'longitude' => '135.885599',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '2.20000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
(int) 18 => object(Cake\ORM\Entity) {
'shop_id' => (int) 1155,
'name' => '尾松医院',
'pref' => (int) 25,
'area_id' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'address' => '野村6-1-18 コンフォ-レT2',
'shop_type' => null,
'show_flg' => (int) 1,
'description_subject' => 'ホームページにわかりやすい地図が載っています!',
'description_content' => '尾松医院は、皮膚科・泌尿器科・アレルギー科を診察しており、健康診断やプラセンタ注射、ケミカルピーリング、ビタミンCイオン導入なども行っています。ED治療も行っており、服薬治療も行っています。治療薬は、バイアグラ、レビトラ、シアリスの3種類を扱っています。診察をした上で、健康状態や生活パターンなどを考慮して、あなたに1番合う薬を処方してくれます。医院内はバリアフリーで、介助が必要な方はお手伝いもして貰えます。ホームページに地図がとても詳しく載っており(広域と詳細の2種類)、それを見れば迷う事なく行く事ができますよ!悩んでいる方は、ぜひ1度訪れてみて下さい。',
'affiliate_page_url' => '',
'affiliate_banner_url' => '',
'free_counseling' => (int) 1,
'campaign_html' => '',
'hook_details' => '',
'moteo_cash_back' => '',
'tel' => '077-567-7793',
'latitude' => '35.026768',
'longitude' => '135.954372',
'quote_image_url' => '',
'show_form_flg' => (int) 2,
'modified' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenTime) {},
'review_cnt' => '5',
'star' => '1.30000',
'prices' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'discounts' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'payments' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'blogs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'infos' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'interviews' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'staffs' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'ed_reviews' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'ed_shop_images' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'other_conditions' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'Area' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'PrefData' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_name' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'station_g_cd' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[new]' => false,
'[accessible]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[dirty]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[original]' => [
[maximum depth reached]
'[virtual]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[errors]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[invalid]' => [[maximum depth reached]],
'[repository]' => 'Shops'
$searchWheres = [
'pref' => [
(int) 0 => (int) 25
'area_id' => [
(int) 0 => (int) 589
'station_cd' => [
(int) 0 => '1134001'
'station_g_cd' => [
(int) 0 => '1141508'
'bald_site_id' => [],
'target_age_id' => [],
'therapy_id' => [],
'medication_type_id' => [],
'price_id' => [],
'payment_id' => [],
'discount_id' => [],
'other_condition_id' => [],
'review_cnt' => []
$isNoIndex = true
$resultCnt = (int) 1
$whereWords = [
(int) 0 => '滋賀県',
(int) 1 => 'JR日光線/宇都宮駅',
(int) 2 => '木ノ本駅'
$structureds = [
(int) 0 => '[]'
$pankuzus = [
'pref' => [
'val' => '滋賀県のED治療クリニック',
'url' => '/ed/search/shiga'
'station' => [
'val' => '木ノ本駅のED治療クリニック',
'url' => '/ed/search/shiga/sta_1134001/sta_g_1141508'
$conditions = []
$place = '木ノ本駅'
$prefCodes = [
(int) 0 => (int) 25
$refere = ''
$column_url = ''
$ranking_option = ''
$pickup_option = ''
$current_url = '/ed/search/shiga/city_589/sta_1134001/sta_g_1141508/'
$genre = 'ed'
$http_response_header = [
(int) 0 => 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden',
(int) 1 => 'Server: awselb/2.0',
(int) 2 => 'Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2024 03:33:37 GMT',
(int) 3 => 'Content-Type: text/html',
(int) 4 => 'Content-Length: 118',
(int) 5 => 'Connection: close'
file_get_contents - [internal], line ??
include - APP/Template/Element/Front/aside.ctp, line 27
Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1240
Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1201
Cake\View\View::_renderElement() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1598
Cake\View\View::element() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 706
include - APP/Template/Front/Ed/Searchs/search.ctp, line 858
Cake\View\View::_evaluate() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1240
Cake\View\View::_render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 1201
Cake\View\View::render() - CORE/src/View/View.php, line 803
Cake\Controller\Controller::render() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 790
App\Controller\Front\FrontAppController::move() - APP/Controller/Front/FrontAppController.php, line 101
App\Controller\Front\Ed\SearchsController::search() - APP/Controller/Front/Ed/SearchsController.php, line 217
Cake\Controller\Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/src/Controller/Controller.php, line 609
Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 120
Cake\Http\ActionDispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/src/Http/ActionDispatcher.php, line 94
Cake\Http\BaseApplication::__invoke() - CORE/src/Http/BaseApplication.php, line 235